Drs. Eckler and Black Orthodontists

Virtual Consultation

Virtual Consultation

Would you like to find out if your child is ready for orthodontic treatment?

The VIRTUAL CONSULTATION is convenient easy and free.

No referral from a dentist is necessary!  Anyone can contact us!

The virtual consultation allows you to email us photos and questions regarding your child's teeth so we can help you decide when is the best time to begin their treatment.  

Please feel free to watch our video explaining how the virtual consultation works and what photos to send to us. Don't worry if you can't take all the photos the video suggests, just do the best that you can and we can always ask for more information if necessary.  Please include;

1. Your name

2. Your child's name

3. Contact phone number

4. Your dentist's name

5. Any specific question you have regarding your child.

Click here to E-mail your questions and photos.

Click here to watch a video about the VIRTUAL CONSULTATION!

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